
List Of Free 3 Months Short Meteorology Certificate Online Programs

Meteorology certificate online:Do you know there are some meteorology certification you could complete online in a short period of time?.  If you are looking to increase your portfolio and add a short theoretical certificate to your ranks on the field of Meteorology, then read this article till the end. There are some online meteorological certificate courses you could complete within the space of three months.

What is meteorology?

Meteorology is the study of the atmosphere, weather, and climate. Meteorologists use their knowledge of these topics to forecast the weather and identify changes in the atmosphere that may impact human activity. these online meteorology certification It teaches you basic meteorological data using simple instruments and helps you understand what are the effects of climate change, pollution and other human activities on the atmosphere.

These courses will help you get the  basic understanding of the science behind weather and climate is that they are interrelated. Weather refers to short-term phenomena such as temperature, precipitation and wind speed. Climate refers to long-term phenomena like temperature, precipitation and wind speed. Weather depends on two main factors: solar radiation (the amount of energy from the sun) and air movement from either convection or diffusion (which causes horizontal currents).

It’s important to note that although these two factors affect your local weather patterns, they don’t determine whether you’ll have sunny skies tomorrow or raindrops falling from your ceiling.
The courses also help you to understand the effects of climate change, pollution and other human activities on the atmosphere.

The atmosphere is a complex system that has been changing over the last few decades. This can be attributed to human activities such as deforestation and burning of fossil fuels, but also to climate change which causes an increase in temperature and humidity levels.

These changes have had an impact on weather forecasting, with more severe storms being observed in recent years.

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Free Meteorology certificate online programs on Coursera:

These Meteorology certificate online courses is short in duration with a flexible schedule and can be completed within 3 months.

The course includes an overview of the basic principles of meteorology, including atmospheric thermodynamics, cloud formation and water cycle, radiation transfer through clouds, precipitation processes and their effects on climate.

1.  Physical Science and Engineering – offered by University of Alberta:

  • Course Instructor: Paul Myers, Ph.D, a Professor in the (Department of Earth and Atmospheric Science)
  • Course Length – 4 weeks and fully online.

This course has over 14,618 Learners enrolled online and could be accessed on Coursera.

The course is taught in English and has subtitles in several languages like French, Portuguese (European), Italian, Russian, English, Spanish.

The course is free of charge but to acquire a certificate after the completion of course, you will have to pay a token of $49. To access this course click here:

2.  Our Earth: Its Climate, History, and Processes offered by University of Manchester.

  • Course Instructor: Prof. David M. Schultz, a Professor of Synoptic Meteorology,  School of Earth, Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences.
  • Course Length: 4 weeks

This course has over 18,521 Learners enrolled online and could be accessed on Coursera.

The course is taught in English and has subtitles in several languages like French, Portuguese (European), Italian, Russian, English, Spanish.

The course is free of charge but to acquire a certificate after the completion of course, you will have to pay a token of $49. To access this course click here.

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3. Science and Engineering of Climate Change offered by EDHEC Business School:

  • Course Instructor: RICCARDO REBONATO – EDHEC BUSINESS SCHOOL, a Professor of Finance at EDHEC Business School, Scientific Director of EDHEC Risk Climate-Change Institute.
  • Course Length: 4 weeks.

This course is divided Into two and it has over 14,172 Learners enrolled online and could be accessed on Coursera.

The course is taught in English and has subtitles in several languages like French, Portuguese (European), Italian, Russian, English, Spanish.

About The Course:

The course focuses on Global Warming as one of the most significant challenges of the century. The course aim to find a way of tackling the problem in the most effective way which requires a a good understanding of its physical, social and financial aspects. The Science and Engineering of Climate Change course offers an introduction to the science of climate change and to the existing technologies to mitigate its effects.

The course is free of charge but to acquire a certificate after the completion of course, you will have to pay a token of $49.To access this course click here:

4. Global Warming I: The Science and Modeling of Climate Change offered by University of Chicago:

  • Course Instructor: David Archer, a Professor of Geophysical Sciences.
  • Course Length: 12 weeks (3 months)

This course is divided Info two (2) and it has over 56,065 Learners enrolled online and could be accessed on Coursera.

The course is taught in English and has subtitles in several languages like French, Portuguese (European), Italian, Russian, English, Spanish.

About The Course:

This class describes the science of global warming and the forecast for humans’ impact on Earth’s climate. Intended for an audience without much scientific background but a healthy sense of curiosity, the class brings together insights and perspectives from physics, chemistry, biology, earth and atmospheric sciences, and even some economics—all based on a foundation of simple mathematics (algebra).

The course is free of charge but to acquire a certificate after the completion of course, you will have to pay a token of $49. To access this course click here:

5. Hydro, Wind & Solar power: Resources, Variability & Forecast offered by Ecole Polytechnic.

  • Course Instructor: Philippe Drobinski, a Senior research scientist & Professor Of Meteorology Laboratory Dynamique – Pierre Simon Laplace Institute (LMD – IPSL)
  • Course Length: 3 months

This course is divided Info two (2) and it has over 16,859 Learners enrolled online and could be accessed on Coursera.
The course is taught in English and has subtitles in several languages like French, Portuguese (European), Italian, Russian, English, Spanish.

About The Course:

The development of hydro, wind and solar power is growing strongly with as one objective to limit and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. All these renewable energies are intermittent with more or less strong variability. This course provides the basis for estimating the resource of these different modes of production and understanding the physical causes of intermittency and seasonal variability. The different modes of electricity production are detailed as well as the sensitivity induced by meteorological variations.

The course is free of charge but to acquire a certificate after the completion of course, you will have to pay a token of $49. To access this course click here:

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6. Oceanography: a key to better understand our world offered by University of Barcelona:

  • Course Instructor: Jordi Serra
    Dr. Marine Geosciences Group

  • Course Length: 3 Months

This course is divided Info two (2) and it has over 16,859 Learners enrolled online and could be accessed on Coursera.
The course is taught in English and has subtitles in several languages like French, Portuguese (European), Italian, Russian, English, Spanish.

About The Course:

The course for a round the world regatta leads the boats through the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic, Southern Indian and South Pacific Oceans. On their voyage, the skippers come across a large variety of oceanographic situations: strong currents, floating ice, wave formations of every kind and biological diversity.

In this course the student will learn about the foundations of the science of oceanography. You’ll learn about the classification and formation of the ocean floor, how current sea satellite analysis systems work, the chemistry of the oceans and the processes that led to its formation.

The course is free of charge but to acquire a certificate after the completion of course, you will have to pay a token of $49. To access this course click here:

7. Large Marine Ecosystems: Assessment and Management offered by University of Cape Town.

  • Course Instructor: Coleen Moloney, Associate Professor of Marine Research Institute.
  • Course Length: 3 Months

This has over 13,133 Learners enrolled online and could be accessed on Coursera.
The course is taught in English and has subtitles in several languages.

About The Course:

The course Focuses on the Large Marine Ecosystems (LMEs) of the world, this course will introduce the concept and practice of ecosystem-based management. To access this course click here:

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8. Climate Change and Water in Mountains: A Global Concern offered University of Geneva.

  • Course Instructor: Martin Beniston, Honorary Professor of Institute for Environmental Sciences.
  • Course Length: 3 months

This has over 11,102 Learners enrolled online and could be accessed on Coursera.
The course is taught in English and has subtitles in several languages.

About The Course:

This course talks about Climate Change, how mountain regions are affected by the evolution of water resources and also the risks that needs to be considered. To access this course click here.

What Can you Do with a Certificate in meteorology?

Those with a Certificate or degree in meteorology have a number of job options, including:

  • Meteorologist, $53,531
  • Atmospheric scientist, $92,070
  • Physicist, $88,375
  • College professor, $87,537
  • Weather forecaster ,$46,197
  • Climatologist, $89,260
  • Research scientist, $77,237
  • Environmental engineer, $86,800
  • Hydrologist, $79,990
  • Geoscientist, $89,850


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