
Top 20 Best Flight Schools In Germany

In Our previous articles, we talked Top 25 Best Universities To Study Aviation In UK and also the 50 Flight Schools In USA, we have now decided to discuss the best flight schools in Germany.

There is no doubt that flight training can be a very challenging and exciting experience. Luckily, the beautiful country of Germany has a lot of flight schools that can cater to students of all levels and interests.

Whether you are a beginner looking for a school that offers beginner-level classes, or an experienced pilot looking for an advanced school, you will find the perfect school in Germany.

Germany has a more than 26 flight schools and these schools spread across the state with clusters of schools located in top cities like Berlin, München, Mönchengladbach and other major cities. Germany also has top colleges and universities offering bachelor’s, master’s, or doctorate in aviation studies. However our focus in this article is flight Schools (majorly private establishments) that teaches students the practical concept and steps of becoming a pilot.

One good thing about these flight schools is that one can finish or complete the training in few months time unlike university course that can last over 3+ years.

it is important to know that these school has its own procedures, enrollment requirements, and depending on which pilot training courses you decide to take, the tuition fee also varies.

Here the Best Flight Schools in Germany:

Germany is a big country with a population of 83,369,843 according to 2022 population census and the country has the best flight schools in the world.

The table below contains list of flight schools in Germany, their names, location, address, contact information and even a direct link to their website for you to make your enquires.

1. RWL German Flight Academy GmbH.
10+ years in business

Location: Mönchengladbach

Address: Flughafen 20, 41066 Mönchengladbach, Germany

Contact Info: +49 2161 68900

Website: Visit Here
2. MFA Munich Flight Academy GmbH. 25+ years in business

Location: Munchen

Address: Hochederstraße 2, 81545 München, Germany

Contact Info: +49 89 64270761

Website: www.mfa.aero
3. Pilot Flight Center HamburgLocation: Hamburg

Address: Geschäftsfliegerzentrum (GAT, Flughafenstr. 1-3/Gebäude 347, 22335 Hamburg, Germany

Contact Info: +49 40 74073242

Website: www.pilotflightcenter.com
4. Lufthansa Aviation Training10+ years in business

Location: Frankfurt

Address: Airportring Tor 24, 60549 Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Contact Info: +49 69 69672444

Website: www.lufthansa-aviation-training.com
5. Lufthansa Flight Training CST GmbHLocation: Berlin

Address: Schützenstraße 10, 12526 Berlin, Germany

Contact Info: +49 30 88755774

Website: www.lufthansa-aviation-training.com
6.Motorflugschule Egelsbach GmbH10+ years in business

Location: Berlin

Address: Schützenstraße 10, 12526 Berlin, Germany

Contact Info: +49 6103 49521

Website: www.motorflugschule.aero
7. Cranfield Aviation Training School10+ years in business

Location: Dortmund

Address: Emil-Figge-Straße 80, 44227 Dortmund, Germany

Contact Info: +49 231 58699470

Website: www.theorieschule.aero
8. SKY4u Aviation Service GmbHLocation: Berlin

Address: Schützenstraße 10, 12526 Berlin, Germany

Contact Info:+49 30 69207025

Website: www.sky4u.com
9. Air Alliance Flight Center GmbH5+ years in business

Location: Egelsbach

Address: Hans-Fleißner-Straße 80, 63329 Egelsbach, Germany

Contact Info: +49 6103 9959590

Website: aa-fc.de
10. Flying school Feuerstein e. V.10+ years in business

Address: Flugplatz 1, 91320 Ebermannstadt, Germany

Contact Info: +49 9194 797575

Website: www.edqe.de
11. Flight Center Hannover GmbH10+ years in business

Address: Nordstraße 12, 30855 Langenhagen, Germany

Contact Info: +49 511 2203858

Website: flightcenter-hannover.de
12. Flugschule Coburg10+ years in business

Address: Zur Brandensteinsebene 2, 96450 Coburg, Germany

Contact Info: +49 176 38953718

Website: ryan-gmbh.de
13. Air Alliance Flight Center. 5+ years in business

Address: Richthofenstraße 120, 53757 Sankt Augustin, Germany

Contact Info: +49 2241 8783620

Website: aa-fc.de
14. Flugschule Hamburg5+ years in business

Address: Bültenkoppel 19, 25492 Heist, Germany

Contact Info: +49 4122 976146

Website: flugschule-hamburg.de
15. TL Aviation7+ years in business

Location: Mönchengladbach

Address: Flughafen 34, 41066 Mönchengladbach, Germany

Contact Info: +49 2161 6984690

Website: www.tl-aviation.de
16. FFH Aviation Training10+ years in business

Address: Gottlieb-Manz-Straße 1, 70794 Filderstadt, Germany

Contact Info: +49 711 7359000

Website: www.flyffh.com
17. Air Alliance Flight Center GmbH Address: Rollgasse 1, 56479 Liebenscheid, Germany

Contact Info: +49 2736 442860

Website: www.aa-fc.de
18. School4Pilots GmbHAddrees: Hannover Airport, Nordstraße 15, 30855 Langenhagen, Germany

Contact Info: +49 171 9088444

Website: school4pilots.de
19. Aero-Club Hildesheim-Hannover e.V.10+ years in business

Address:Hottelner Weg 60, 31137 Hildesheim, Germany

Contact Info: +49 5121 53006

Address: www.ac-hildesheim.de
20. SKY HELI GmbH7+ years in business

Address: Zum Flugpl. 3, 14959 Trebbin OT Schönhagen, Germany

Contact Info: +49 33731 702990

Website: www.skyheli.de

Frequently Asked Questions About Flight Schools in Germany:

Is Germany good for flight school?

Yes, Germany is one of the most technology advanced countries in the world and this makes them the perfect place to study aviation courses or learn how to become a pilot. The German has a long history and achievement in the field of science and technology hence why students troops to there for their study.Also, the field of aviation offers great amount of job opportunities hence whylile becoming a pilot or studying aviation related courses is a lucrative career path.

How much does flight school cost in Germany?

Studying aviation courses or learning to become a pilot is quite expensive. According to researches, it could cost between €50,000 and €100,000 for pilot training.

How much does flight school cost in Germany?

Studying aviation courses or learning to become a pilot is quite expensive. According to researches, it could cost between €50,000 and €100,000 for pilot training.

Is pilot study free in Germany?

Studying aviation courses or learning how to become a pilot is expensive, However you can achieve your dream if you through scholarships and support. To become a Commerical pilot, it is important to note that you would need to have have a Student Pilot License (SPL) and Private Pilot License (PPL) before you can obtain a Commercial Pilot License (CPL).Fortunately for you, one of the above listed schools is the perfect place to earn your Student Pilot License (SPL) and Private Pilot License (PPL).

How many years does it take to become a pilot in Germany?

The duration of completing your pilot training depends on the program, school and your goal. Studying to acquire Commerical Pilot License (CPL) could take 1-4 years depending on the school. It important it’s most colleges offers the opportunity to obtain CPL and to become a private Pilot and obtain your Student Pilot License (SPL) and Private Pilot License (PPL), you will need to pass through an accredited flight School and this could take around 3 to 6 months.

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